Thursday, October 31, 2019

Personal Application Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Personal Application Assignment - Essay Example This assignment therefore required extensive coordination and interaction with different employees working in my department and extracting information from them. For me the first part of extracting the information was easy however, to actually convince people to cooperate with me was a difficult task. This was mainly due to the fact that people realized that the new changes may be detrimental to their overall career progression as well as may render them redundant for the firm. The fear of change was therefore so strong that I started to face the resistance even before the process was completed and the changes recommended were implemented. This experience made me realize the importance of managing the people side of the change as it always requires some extra effort to actually convince people that the overall change may be in the favor of the employees as well as the organization. Looking back at that episode, I came to realize the importance of how the change can actually create the resistance even if that change is in favor of the employees in long term. What is significant also is the assumption that people always take change in negative connotations thus not fully understanding as to how this change can actually benefit them and their career. I always believed that change is the only constant for the businesses to successfully operate in the current competitive business environment. In order to successfully develop the core competencies, businesses will therefore have to adapt to the new changes and their employees shall also understand the wider consequences of being complacent and how it can affect their own careers. Though the employees realized that the changes which may took place after the process of re-engineering may be beneficial for them as the same could offer them an opportunity to further develop their skills and match them

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Influencing Individuals and Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Influencing Individuals and Groups - Essay Example Negotiation is then sought, to amicably discuss and assess the situation and to find solutions to the problems incurred. In order to combat this, effective leadership is needed. Leaders become role models for people and help them to achieve goals. Wal Mart needs to resolve issues by finding feasible solutions for conflicts. Employees who have a positive attitude are a boon to an organization, and, it is easier to retain and train those employees rather than to try and modify those with a negative attitude. As conflict resolution needs participaton and collaboration of employees; Wal Mart helps in bringing about people development, collaboration and team work among its employees. School Press, H. 2006. Written Communications that Inform and Influence: The Results-Driven Manager Series (Paperback). Harvard Business School Press Books, 1. Retrieved from Business Source Complete

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Does Alternative Medicine Really Work?

Does Alternative Medicine Really Work? Eduardo Gomez Mr. Thomas Corbet Alternative medicine range from herbal remedies to acupuncture and were typically used by people who are unable to use conventional medicine. However, today many people use alternative medicine because they fear big pharmaceutical drugs or cannot afford the rising cost of healthcare. People claim that alternative medicines work and heal them of illnesses but do alternative medicines really work when compared to conventional medicine? In a recent study, it was found that about 40 percent of United States adults use some of the following forms of alternative, medicine mind-body interventions, biologically based therapies, body-based methods, or energy methods. These methods of medicine became appealing to adults during the early or mid 19th century as they were markets as safe and natural methods. During this time alternative medicine actually competed with conventional medicine. However towards the end of the 19th century, alternative medicines were denounced as medical breakthroughs helped doctors understand the human body better. In todays society, alternative medicines have again gained popularity for two reasons, one is when they are marketed as safe because of the fear of vaccinations or super bugs that have developed because of some conventional practices(Ventola). Another reason is the gap between physicians and people today. In the United States, the cost of health care is incredibly high so many Americans resort to alternatives that are cheaper. Americans also have access to the internet, which allows people to spread false information about conventional medicine. For example, many people believe that vaccinations and antibiotics have links to cancer and therefore use alternative medicine instead of conventional methods. Alternative medicines range from an array of practices. Mind-body interventions include therapies such as hypnosis, meditation, yoga, biofeedback, and tai chi. According to a 2002 survey, 62% of adults in the United States use mind-body interventions. However, this practice is often only used on people with low physical and emotional risk whose condition is implemented by stress (Wahbeh). Therefore for physical conditions rather than emotional conditions, mind-body interventions loses to conventional medicine. Biologically based therapies include the consumption of herbs, foods, dietary supplements, and natural products (Ventola). The ideas behind the practice is to consume products that are rich in vitamins and minerals to help your body. Although over the years, many trials have been done on these therapies but only few have proven to be 100% effective. Some products such as herbal teas or cartilage of sharks are helpful by providing the body vitamins or minerals that you might be lacking. Thus, this type of alternative medicine could prove to beneficial over time. However for more immediate care to a health issue, conventional medicine would be more useful. Body-based methods which include massages, chiropractic, and osteopathic manipulation are proven to be as affected as conventional medicine. This practice focuses on allowing the body to heal itself by using force and massage therapies on bones, joints, and tissues. Patients of chiropractors and massage therapist have been completely satisfied when they are dealing with back pain or other issues. The problems with this practice is that many schools do not teach manual therapies for specific conditions and there lacks state of the art equipment for specific treatment (Rosenheck). Body-based therapies are very useful to patients around the world and sometimes are better than conventional medicines. Energy methods is most likely the alternative medicine that people find most skeptical.   The method in cludes Reiki, therapeutic touch and electromagnetic field exposure. Each of the therapies deals with a person either touching you or waving their hands over you body. The science behind the specific method of trying to heal someone body is questionable, however the therapies causes you to relax. Therefore the therapies may prove to be effective since relaxation can fix many health issues such as health disease. These practices of alternative methods are sometimes questionable but do prove to cause relaxation which is extremely beneficial to health issues. The effectiveness of alternative medicine is debatable. Many of its methods lack the science behind it when compared to conventional medicine. Therefore some people find it easier to use and believe in conventional medicine. The main reason behind the success of alternative medicine is the ability for a person to relax. Each method is easy to take part in and often involves the person being stationary. For example, some conventional methods are time consuming and difficult as alternative methods are usually easy and quick. Alternative medicine allows the person to relax which is extremely beneficial to the human body. However, in order to compare the effectiveness of alternative and conventional medicine in a person, we must look at that persons state of mind and their condition. If a person believes they can be cured using therapeutic touch then they will most likely be cured but if a person believes in doctors than any medication they are prescribed will most likely heal them. Hosp ital settings may also interfere with a persons ability to heal properly and therefore alternative medicines that can be done at home are often times better for the person. The patients desire to be healed and their beliefs play a crucial role when determining the effectiveness of each practice. The condition of the patient also plays a role because some conditions may require immediate attention which can only really be proved by conventional medicine. Serious conditions are better handled when using conventional practices when compared to alternative practices. The decisions ultimately comes down to the patient and how they want to be treated. Personally, I use and believe in both conventional and alternative medicines. I seek alternative medicines when they are appropriate because of the fear of superbugs or the side effects of conventional medicine. However, conventional medicine is also extremely useful and better suited for serious health issues. Therefore, people should take into account the situation, chose alternative or conventional medicine for what is better suited for them and be the own judge of the medicines effectiveness. References Ventola, C. Lee. Current Issues Regarding Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States. Pharmacy and Therapeutics. MediMedia USA, Inc., 8 Aug. 2010. Web. 14 Dec. 2016. Wahbeh, Helanà ©, Siegward-M. Elsas, and Barry S. Oken. Mind-body Interventions: Applications in Neurology. Neurology. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 10 June 2008. Web. 02 Jan. 2017. Rosenheck, Druss. Manipulative and Body-Based Practices: An Overview. Manipulative and Body-Based Practices: An Overview. WETA, 2009. Web. 02 Jan. 2017. Engel, Meredith. Does Energy Healing Really Work? NY Daily News. NY Daily News, 18 July 2014. Web. 02 Jan. 2017.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Freedom of Expression- A Service to Citizens Essay -- Censorship

â€Å"The First Amendment to the United States Constitution says that Congress shall make no law . . . abridging the freedom of ‘speech’ (â€Å"Freedom of Expression†).† It has been proven through the court system that speech goes far beyond regular verbal communication (â€Å"Freedom of Expression†). If this is be true, then why is there so much controversy over the freedom of expression? If the right to freedom of expression is taken away, the government will steadily become more and more powerful until it controls every facet of life. Even though the United States prides itself on being a staunchly democratic nation, it is no better than a tyrannical government if it steals the right of freedom of expression from its citizens. Most people do not wish to live in a society oppressed by an all-powerful government that gives them very little freedom. Holding Orwell’s society as a model, a government that has too much power will gladly let its c itizens endure pain, suffering, and even torture. For society to be productive, people must be allowed to express their ideas and thoughts, if they cannot, then civilization will move backwards instead of frontward. The issue of freedom of expression is not a new problem. In fact, people have been debating it for years, even on the Supreme Court level. One such case is Schenck v. United States, where it was deemed illegal for Schenck to distribute pamphlets urging people to impede the process of the draft (â€Å"Schenck v. United States†). The Supreme Court thought that it was illegal for Schenck to do this, and he was convicted, but on another case dealing with the freedom of expression the court took the opposite side. In the case of Tinker v. Des Moines, a school prohibited students from wearing black armba... ... gotten across. Living an emotionless existence is surely not living at all, and this is why freedom of expression should be a guaranteed right. It is very important for a functional society where people are entitled to their opinion and are able to freely offer constructive criticism. When it is taken away, oppression, poverty, and the general degradation of society is seen in abundance. A society in which people are allowed to speak their minds is infinitely better than an Orwellian one in which people feared thinking thoughts that could be unwelcome to the government. A terrible place if one were not even safe in their mind. The present world is a place to give full freedom of expression to everyone. Everyone deserves the chance to get their ideas across, and depriving them of that opportunity is borderline inhumane. It is simply immoral to deny this right.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Review of BPR methodologies

This paper presents the advantages and disadvantages of using a methodology in the context of BPR. It also provides a critique of existing BPR methodologies which erved as a basis for the development of the CONDOR BPR methodology. The paper also presents the main points of the implementation of this methodology to three European construction companies. What can a methodology offer to the BPR field? According to Preece and Peppard (1996), a methodology is simply theory put into practice aiming at dealing with real world situations.According to Valiris and Glykas (1999) a BPR methodology should provide ‘ ‘a consistent set of techniques and guidelines which will enable the business process redesigner to reorganise business ctivities and processes in an organisation†. The use of a methodology is essential for a number of reasons. First, a methodology provides a means of codifying experience, knowledge and ideas, in a form that not only can be easily applied, but also ca n be evaluated and tested. Second, a methodology offers a certain level of organisation, and facilitates planning and monitoring.In BPR initiatives, a methodology enables the organisation, on the one hand, to have a clear picture of its current processes along with their associated problems and, on the other, to design the new state of these processes. In addition, by following a certain methodology, BPR re-engineers† have the opportunity to monitor and evaluate the progress of the re-engineering effort. Third, a methodology enables those who are involved or affected by the BPR to understand their tasks and clarify their roles.A BPR methodology which is clearly defined and explained to those who are leading the BPR work can facilitate the communication between them, and serve as a kind of ‘ ‘contract† in which all the parties understand their responsibilities and are, therefore, able to monitor the overall process re-engineering progress. Finally, adoption of a methodology allows a standard set of required skills to be identified and developed. Key skills required for BPR include process modelling, organisational development techniques, and skills to deal with resistance to change.There are, however, a number of problems related to the use of a methodology. One important reason which explains the reluctance of developing and using methodologies or models in the BPR context is that the widely accepted methodologies are based on how the business processes should change and how the organisation should adapt itself in this change, rather than on the evaluation of urrent practices and on the codification of successful practical experiences (Simsion, 1994).Moreover, the BPR literature search reveals that there are an increasing number of successful re-engineering implementations and case studies using BPR methodologies. Although each business situation has some unique characteristics, an appropriate methodology will need to allow tor assessme nt and re-use ot existing successful approaches and practical experiences. In addition, a methodology hides the danger of restraining creativity and innovation. The latter are crucial elements in he radical thinking during the re-engineering process.By encouraging those who are involved in the reengineering process to comply with the requirements of a given methodology, there is a potential risk of restricting the opportunity of optimising the results according to the level required by the methodology (Simsion,1994). Critique of existing BPR 239 240 In conclusion, there are many advantages and disadvantages regarding the use of a specific methodology or model in the re-engineering initiative. Each side demonstrates equally important arguments that affect the organisation.The lternative to using a methodology in an attempt to minimise the negative consequences is not anarchy but a contingency approach tailored to suit the objectives and needs of every organisation or business sector, building on basic principles of planning and monitoring as well as on previous successful working practices. Critique of existing BPR methodologies and models The are many BPR methodologies and models available, and most of them pursue a similar path and exhibit commonalities in key areas (Butler, 1994).Today, an increasing number of methodologies, models and tools taken from other disciplines re available in the market, claiming that they are suitable for BPR initiatives. Ruessmann et al. (1994) reported the results of their research, claiming that BPR methodologies are based on a synthesis of techniques drawn from other disciplines and methodologies such as soft systems, total quality management (TQM), benchmarking, and organisational development. According to a I-JK BPR methodology survey summary findings (Archer, 1996), the number of stages involved in BPR approaches varies greatly, despite the fact that they do present key similarities.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

American Cultural Puritanism and The Crucible Essay

In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the playwright creates a scene based on the Salem Witch Trials of 1692, yet the themes that the play conveys are still embedded in modern society. John Proctor, the protagonist, is condemned for speaking out against the Puritan leaders, indicating a theme of individual versus society. However, the play as a whole depicts a time of political manipulation, when the society’s leaders expected all of the townspeople to follow the majority’s beliefs, condemning those who thought otherwise. These themes can be applied to both events occurring in modern society and the actions at the time the play was written, 1953. Before these themes can be applied, one must understand the general plot of The Crucible as well as the way it is carried out as a drama. The moral struggles of John Proctor are presented throughout the play, with the biggest one regarding his decision to either speak out against the majority and face the risk of being killed, or keep quiet and watch other innocent people be condemned. Proctor eventually tells the reverend and the judge, among other officials, what he believes the girls, such as Abigail Williams, are doing. He presents them with facts and evidence, explaining a scheme the girls are carrying out against him, yet the leaders do not listen to him. Instead, they sentence him to death for rebelling against the society, calling him a witch. While the main theme of Miller’s play interprets this time of political unrest, several smaller themes are also emphasized. The author implies that society cannot settle for just arresting and punishing criminals when they call attention to themselves. Instead, there is an occasional â€Å"witch hunt† where people are sought out and punished when they are, in reality, completely innocent (Goldstone, â€Å"Introduction,† 19). This becomes evident in The Crucible when one realizes that the officials could have stopped listening to the girls after they found out the first few names of people who were â€Å"witches.† Nevertheless, the girls were given the authority to give the names of anybody that they wanted, with the judge having no way of telling whether or not they were lying. Another major theme in the play  describes how people in every society have been forced to compromise their intellect and integrity in order to follow society’s popular beliefs. Miller’s feelings that innocent people could have been saved if more people had the courage to speak out against what was occurring are expressed in this universal account of the inhumane and senseless acts that have occurred throughout history. In the play, the audience has the opportunity to consider the viewpoints of John Proctor, an innocent person, rather than just the side of the government leaders, making the themes universal in that more members of modern society can relate to them. Miller explains in his essay, â€Å"Why I Wrote The Crucible,† that he intended for the play to depict a common reaction of people in a situation such as the Salem Witch Trials, or the anti-Semitism era around 1952. He says that many people turn their backs on friends, as well as others who have been condemned for some reason, to keep from being seen and then further identified with them. Much like the play’s protagonist, Miller was fearful of being identified as a communist when he wanted to write the play as a social criticism in the 1950s. Therefore, he used the events of the Witch Trials to draw a parallel rather than directly discussing anti-Semitism (2). In this same fashion, parallels can be drawn between The Crucible and contemporary society. Many members of society still fight a moral conflict when protesting the government, mainly because the belief that society must somehow make sense is common. Even though Puritanism and the beliefs associated with it do not effect society in the same way that they did in 1962, similarities can be seen in the lessons that the Salem Witch Trials teach and happenings in the modern-day world. While Miller used the Salem Witch Trials and his play to criticize the government in 1952, events similar to this occur every day in the world and many people can relate The Crucible’s themes of contradicting the majority to their modern lives.